Monday, April 20, 2009

Encouragement - Part II

Through much of the New Testament there is a person who lived a life of encouragement. His name was Joseph and he was a Levite from Cyprus. You know whom I mean. Well you don’t know him as Joseph but as Barnabas, because that is what the apostles called him. The name Barnabas means “son of encouragement.” What would it be like if you were so good at encouraging others, people stopped calling you by your name and instead called you son of encouragement? That is a lofty calling. I pray that I could be that for other people. I wish I had someone named Barnabas living in my neighborhood.

To encourage is not an option but a command, “Encourage one another” (Ephesians 4:32). You can learn how to become an encourager. It's not natural. It's supernatural. But as you allow God to encourage you with His Word and His Spirit, you can become a channel of encouragement into the lives of others.

Ephesians 4 tells us that we should not let any corrupt or useless word come out of our mouths. Not one. We're not to speak discouraging words. We're not to speak demeaning words. We're not to speak words that belittle or put down. He says that instead; speak words that are good for edification that those words may impart grace to the hearers.

You know, everyone needs to be encouraged. Even such a great servant of the Lord as the Apostle Paul needed encouragement. It's amazing as you read through the Book of Acts and the letters of Paul in the New Testament how many references he makes to the value of having other people around him to help him in the ministry.

We need to encourage one another. If we don't have each other, if we don't stick together, if we don't strengthen and encourage one another, we're going to get weary. We're going to get faint. We're going to fall out of the race.

Sadly encouragers are a rare find but hopefully, some encouraging people have come into your life over the years. These encouragers are energy-giving people. Why not be one for those around you today?

1 comment:

  1. Jim,

    You should write more, I keep looking for updates.

